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Virginia Home Based Counseling, P.C.
VHBC is a State Licensed Intensive In-Home Service program that provides therapeutic intervention to families with children who are at risk for an out of home placement due to the child’s mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder.
VHBC offers Mental Health Family Support Partners services. Family Support Partners is a strength-based individualized team-based Peer Recovery Support Service provided to the caregiver of Medicaid-eligible youth under age 21, with a mental health or substance use disorder or co-occurring mental health and substance use disorder that is the focus of support. The services provided to the caregiver must be directed exclusively toward the benefit of the Medicaid-eligible youth. Services are expected to improve outcomes for youth, especially those youth with complex needs who are involved with multiple systems, and increase the youth and family’s confidence and capacity to manage their own services and supports while promoting recovery and healthy relationships. These services are rendered by a PRS who is (i) a parent of a minor or adult child with a similar a mental health or substance use disorder or co-occurring mental health and substance use disorder, or (ii) an adult with personal experience with a family member with a similar a mental health or substance use disorder or co-occurring mental health and substance use disorder with experience navigating substance use or behavioral health care services. The PRS shall perform the service within the scope of their knowledge, lived-experience, and education.

Virginia Support Services, P.C.
VSS is a State Licensed Mental Health Skill-Building Service program that provides behavioral and mental health training and support services to individuals with mental, behavioral, or emotional impairments in major life activities by supporting an individual’s level of functioning and promoting his/her autonomy.
VSS offers Mental Health Peer Support Services. Peer Support Services for adults are person centered, strength-based, and recovery oriented rehabilitative service for members 21 years or older provided by a PRS successful in the recovery process with lived experience with mental health, substance use disorders, or co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders who is trained to offer support and assistance in helping others in recovery to reduce the disabling effects of a mental health or substance use disorder or co-occurring mental health and substance use disorder that is the focus of support. Services assist the member develop and maintain a path to recovery, resiliency, and wellness. Specific peer support service activities shall emphasize the acquisition, development, and enhancement of recovery, resiliency, and wellness. Services are designed to promote empowerment, self-determination, understanding, and coping skills through mentoring and service coordination supports, as well as to assist members in achieving positive coping mechanisms for the stressors and barriers encountered when recovering from their illness or disorder.